Why giving away free stuff works in digital marketing

There is one strategy that you can put into place in your email marketing practices that will super charge your results.

Just one simple thing.

Most people believe it can’t be so simple. And when you read the answer below it may seem counter intuitive. And you might even resist putting it into practice because you might believe it can’t possibly be true.

So what could possibly be so effective and so simple?

Here it is…

Give your best stuff away.

Really? Am I nuts???

Yes, give your best stuff away.

Whatever you offer that has value to your subscribers. The core of your expertise.  Give. It. Away. FOR FREE.

So why on earth would you do that?

There are a few critical reasons.

1) People get A LOT of emails, so you have to give them a reason to open your emails

Think about your inbox. Which emails do you open? The ones that give you value. That fulfil a need. Make you laugh. Give you a deal. Provide you with info you need. You don’t open the hard sell emails. You don’t open ads. You don’t open dry boring material.

2) I said your best stuff, not all your stuff. 

Anything you are selling or providing to a subscriber is a package deal usually. A series of information. So when i say give away your best stuff. Give access to the most exciting 3-4 minuet video you have made. Demonstrate how amazing your stuff is. Talk about what’s in it then give it away, then debrief it. Then tell them about the more stuff. Give away the icing and get them to dream about the cake.

3) After your freebie, not everyone will buy, but many will and they will be hungry 

The best stuff positions you as an expert. It makes people think you and your expertise are awesome. It should make them feel like they have been given gold. And some of them will be willing to pay for more.  (The ones that don’t are not ready or willing, but they may be in future) And let’s face it the freebie really is part of a bigger bundle. And your ability to demystify that big ball of expertise is what you are selling in the end. You are building credibility

4) Giving away awesome builds your brand

Even if someone consumes your best stuff and does not buy what you offer later, it’s ok because they consume and get value from the freebie and are left wanting something more but may not engage in the offer that comes later for a variety of reasons. They don’t need it now. They can’t afford it now. They don’t see the whole grand offering as necessary, but they are curious. Giving away great stuff builds a perception you are good and leaves them wanting more of that. They might even refer you to someone that will also consume the best giveaway who will buy.

10 awesome ways to grow your email list

If you are going to engage in email marketing you need to drive people to signup for your email lists. But how do you do that? Here’s 10 ways to build you email list

1) Offer something of value to subscribers: A downloadable, a video, an ebook, rare and special content no available anywhere else, an unreleased chapter, song or bonus

2) Create scarcity: Whatever you give away on your list, ensure it is not available anywhere else. Be sure that the ticket to the gold is available only by signing up for the list

3) Put a registration form on your home page – you did do that right? Right?

4) Place a registration form in the sidebar on every page on your site (see best lead capture practices)

5) Offer your freebie from Item #1 (above) on your Twitter account and Facebook page.

6) Look at your Google Analytics and determine  what are you most popular pages then install a squeeze page that asks people who visit the well trafficked page to sign up for your email list before they get to the hot content

7)  Offer your freebie to conference attendees or at events where you speak. tell them to go to your web site to get it and then advertise it as part of your email sign up process.

8) Connect to your giveaway on Pinterest.com. It’s the hot new social media platform.

9) If you use Vimeo Pro -link to the offer at the end of the video (Vimeo has a tool for this)

10)  Offer massive value in the content in your list and ask happy subscribers to refer friends.

10 easy ways to grow your email list

If you are going to engage in email marketing you need to drive people to signup for your email lists. But how do you do that? Here’s 10 ways to build you email list

1) Offer something of value to subscribers: A downloadable, a video, an ebook, rare and special content no available anywhere else, an unreleased chapter, song or bonus

2) Create scarcity: Whatever you give away on your list, ensure it is not available anywhere else. Be sure that the ticket to the gold is available only by signing up for the list

3) Put a registration form on your home page – you did do that right? Right?

4) Place a registration form in the sidebar on every page on your site

5) Offer your freebie from Item #1 (above) on your Twitter account and Facebook page.

6) Look at your Google Analytics and determine  what are you most popular pages then install a squeeze page that asks people who visit the well trafficked page to sign up for your email list before they get to the hot content

7)  Offer your freebie to conference attendees or at events where you speak. tell them to go to your web site to get it and then advertise it as part of your email sign up process.

8) Connect to your giveaway on Pinterest.com. It’s the hot new social media platform.

9) If you use Vimeo Pro -link to the offer at the end of the video (Vimeo has a tool for this)

10)  Offer massive value in the content in your list and ask happy subscribers to refer friends.


Expert Keap consultant in the Niagara Region

Here are 11 reasons why you should call Cyberwalker Digital‘s expert consultants to help you deploy your Keap campaigns and earn great revenue in the process!

1) We can make Keap do back flips

2) If you are in or near the Niagara Region, we’ll come see you. If not we can do Zoom. We have clients all over North America.

3) We not only deploy your campaign we can also train you or your staff on best practices

4) We understand the psychology of email marketing not just the technical mechanics

5) We are masters at email content – our open rates run 40% to 50%

6) We’re fun!

7) On product based projects, we partner with our clients to share the revenue. We earn when you do!

8) We know how to integrate Infusionsoft with 3rd party systems

9) We get results!

10) When we get to know you, we’ll bring you maple syrup or amazing Niagara Bench wine.

11) We can count to 11!

BTW, call us at 813-501-8043 or email kay@cyberwalker.com for more info

Expert Keap consultant in the Niagara Region

10 easy ways to grow your email list

If you are going to engage in email marketing you need to drive people to signup for your email lists. But how do you do that? Here’s 10 ways to build you email list.
