Expert Infusionsoft Consultant in Toronto, Ontario

Here are 11 reasons why you should call Cyberwalker Digital’s expert consultants to help you deploy your InfusionSoft campaigns and help you earn great revenue in the process.

1) We can make InfusionSoft do back flips

2) If you are in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, we’ll come see you.

3) We not only deploy your campaign we’ll also train you or your staff on best practices.

4) We understand the psychology of email marketing not just the technical mechanics.

5) We are masters at email content – our open rates run 40% to 50%.

6) We’re Canadian!

7) We partner with our clients to share the revenue. We earn when you do!

8) We know how to integrate InfusionSoft with 3rd party systems

9) We get results!

10) When we get to know you, we’ll bring you a key lime pie!

11) We can count to 11!


How to grow your web traffic to 1,000 visits or more per day

If you can create a web site that attracts 1,000 people per day or more and you employ a savvy email capture program and start to build a relationship with these people, you can start to make very income. But how do you grow a site to 1,000 visitors per day?

1) Create hard to find content and do it better than anyone else.

2) Become a topic expert and publish information on your area of expertise three times a week (or preferably daily)

3) Get other web sites to link to yours (Google will notice and rank you better)

4) Write your posts that optimize for keyword phrases that people are looking for…put these keywords in the headline, body text (first 100 words on the page), page title, meta description and in the alt on at least one image.

5) Make alliances with similar web sites and point you readers at their content. Ask them to reciprocate.

6) Create a Facebook page about your site and share you site posts.

7) Create a Twitter account and share your blog posts.

8) Track your social media relevance at

9) Register for Pinterest and share related photos to your content

10) Create video content related to your area of speciality and create a YouTube channel.

What is Infusionsoft?

Infusionsoft is a powerful web-based tool that helps you automate your sales and marketing processes.

However, it’s not called Infusionsoft anymore. A few years back it rebranded as Keap.

It is composed of three core features.

1) A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool that lets you store and track your customers’ interactions with your website, brand, and products.

2) A campaign builder that lets you communicate using a schedule-able timeline. Send emails, build forms, or trigger actions to help move them toward a sale.

3) A powerful ecommerce platform used to sell products and services online, including digital downloads.

4) The preferred tool used by the most successful email marketers.

5) A way to track people’s behaviour when they interact with your brand

6) A tool that tells you when some is ready to buy.

7) An amazing drag and drop tool that does not require a programmer to get started

8) A tool that pays its fee back many times over when you deploy the correct strategies which you can learn from us

How to inspire people to buy from your email list with these counter-intuitive secrets

Ever wonder how successful web site owners seem to magically make money fall out of their web sites? Especially the webmasters who don’t seem to have a ton of traffic? Here are the web secrets of the best email marketers.

1. Give away your best stuff to people on your list. It’s counter-intuitive but people crave “free” and if they get massive value then they will stay subscribed and seriously consider what you offer.

2. Make your readers feel like they are insiders. Create feeling of intimacy and belongingness by sharing as if you are their friend. Provide them with content that not everyone else gets and let them know.

3. Create scarcity. People want something more if it is rare and hard to get. Create scarcity with your content. Make people work to get the good stuff. Reward them for engaging with it.

4. Offer an opportunity to purchase only when you are confident that people love what you provide and are craving more.

5. Be committed to learning. We can’t teach you unless you have a fierce desire to learn. We consider ourselves voracious learners even though we have expertise – because we have expertise. Invest in learning and you’ll achieve your goals.

6. Test for behaviour. Offer links, surveys, and ask for input. Watch who engages and score them. How? (See #7.)

7. Use a tool like InfusionSoft to automate the distribution of your content and to capture behaviours so you can target people who are ready to buy.

How to inspire people to buy from your email list with these counter-intuitive secrets

How to grow your web traffic to 1,000 visits or more per day

If you can create a web site that attracts 1,000 people per day or more and you employ a savvy email capture program and start to build a relationship with these people, you can start to make very income. But how do you grow a site to 1,000 visitors per day?

What is Infusionsoft?

InfusionSoft is a powerful web-based tool that helps you automate your sales and marketing processes. It is composed of three core features.
