If you can create a web site that attracts 1,000 people per day or more and you employ a savvy email capture program and start to build a relationship with these people, you can start to make very income. But how do you grow a site to 1,000 visitors per day?

1) Create hard to find content and do it better than anyone else.

2) Become a topic expert and publish information on your area of expertise three times a week (or preferably daily)

3) Get other web sites to link to yours (Google will notice and rank you better)

4) Write your posts that optimize for keyword phrases that people are looking for…put these keywords in the headline, body text (first 100 words on the page), page title, meta description and in the alt on at least one image.

5) Make alliances with similar web sites and point you readers at their content. Ask them to reciprocate.

6) Create a Facebook page about your site and share you site posts.

7) Create a Twitter account and share your blog posts.

8) Track your social media relevance at Klout.com

9) Register for Pinterest and share related photos to your content

10) Create video content related to your area of speciality and create a YouTube channel.
