9 ways you can use the landing page tool to grow your online business
I thought was cool recently when in the same week I got two calls from two of our clients with three days asking – Hey Andy, What is LeadPages? In both cases the clients were looking to grow their online businesses. They had discovered that it was hard to change and customize landing pages for their web sites when driving traffic to a particular page. One client had concluded they needed a landing page tool and let to the question – What is Leadpages used for? I came across it and I am wondering if it is what is need?
The other client had heard it mentioned by a family member and was wondering if they needed it sight unseen.
In both cases I heartily recommended it because they both were driving traffic through ads. One client has a food business and was getting good traffic by ad placement on a niche food blogger. The other one was buying Facebook ads for its industrial products sold on a Shopify store.
The landing page tool that’s ‘waaaaay’ better
When I discovered LeadPages I had already tried a competitor and saw the value of creating landing pages for our company’s various online initiatives, but a colleague told me to dump the tool I was using in favor of LeadPages because it was “waaaaay” better. I am not ordinarily swayed by such surfer dude endorsements, but this guy is pretty successful in digital marketing so I usually follow his lead on such things. And in to use dude-ism: This Dude Abides!
And in turn this is my invitation to you to try it out and see what it can do for your business.
What is LeadPages?
Let’s start with a definition. LeadPages is an online tool used to capture email subscribers. That is the primary function of the landing page tool. It is a templated and hosted tool that you can use to give away lead magnets, register people into webinars, and design landing pages to drive people into your email list.
LeadPages also offers templates for things like squeeze pages, video landing pages, sales pages and thank you pages. We use it every day at Cyberwalker Digital in the digital marketing work we do.

What LeadPages is NOT
LeadPages isn’t an email marketing platform that you use to send emails from (although the company does offer a platform called Drip which does that and works with LeadPages).
If you use Infusionsoft, Constant Contact, Aweber or MailChimp then LeadPages can be used for – actually integrated – with these platforms to help you grow your email list on these sites so you get more subscribers.
LeadPages they offers dozens of templates to help you create high-converting landing pages and allows you to easily send lead magnets to your subscribers. What else can LeadPages do? We let’s review what the landing page tool can do and how it can help your business grow.
What is LeadPages used for?
LeadPages has a ton of great features, so lets examine it key features for online business owners, and content marketers who are considering buying a LeadPages subscription.
1. Send Lead Magnets
A lead magnet is a digital giveaway like an ebook, video, coupon or seminar access that can be emailed to a subscriber once they sign up for your email list.
Some people call this process a bribe. But I like to think of it as a trade. Something like: I’ll give you this cool free thing if you give me your email address and agree to let me email you on a fairly regular basis, with the agreement that you can unsubscribe at any time and that I won’t send you anything that is spammy or sell your address to a third party.
LeadPages makes it easy to store and send a lead magnet when someone signs up on your Leadpages subscriber box or the opt-in box on a landing page. See a lead magnet page example here. You can also use your own email platform to send a lead magnet. You don’t have to use LeadPages feature to do this.
2. Create a Sales Page
When you are selling a product online you will always want to design a lengthy sales page to provide the product benefits and answer the prospective buyer’s questions, dispel their doubts and drive them to a registration pages where you close the deal and transact the sale. LeadPages makes this easy to do with its 350+ templates that can be customized to your content, you brand, your content and drive to your shopping cart.
3. Design a Squeeze Page
Sometimes you want to drive a prospective customer toward a single act, usually to register or sign-up or possibly to buy something. For this you’ll need a squeeze page. It’s a simple page that provides content of some kind and issues a call to action.So what is Leadpages squeeze page capability? Squeeze pages are easy to design in LeadPages, especially if you want to use video from YouTube, Vimeo or hosted on your servers.
4. Make an Upsell Thank You Page
One of my favorite tactics in digital marketing is to offer an upsell after a subscriber has opted in. You have their attention and they are in a YES frame of mind so offering them something else on a thank you page is really effective in increasing your level of engagement. LeadPages has some great templates for this purpose where you thank the usr and direct them to their next action. This is usually driving them to either another sales or squeeze page. Or to your sales cart (in another tool – LeadPages does not provide shopping cart technology)
5. Deploy a pop-up sign-up box
LeadPages offers a version of it tool to just popu open an opt inbox on an existing content page. You set up the LeadBox to trigger when a graphic or link on a page is clicked. It works like this. Click Here.
6. Run A/B tests
When a landing page is not converting it is really handy to tweak it in different ways by changing colors, text, images and increasing or decreasing content. LeadPages let’s you test pages side by side and against each other. It serves up different versions to your site visitors and collects conversion data so you can see which version of your landing pages is more effective at driving them to action.
7. Seamless email platform integration
We use Infusionsoft as our primary email marketing platform so it is important that it can integrate with any marketing tool we use. The good news is LeadPages integrates well with Infusionsoft as well as pretty much every dominant email platform available today. That includes:
- Infusionsoft (as mentioned)
- MailChimp
- Aweber
- Constant Contact
- GetResponse
- Marketo
- Drip (An email automation software owned by LeadPages)
8. Hosted Video Pages
We develop a lot of courses at Cyberwalker Digital, and it’s very handy to offer some of our content for free as we promote the course. LeadPages lets you easily create video pages with call to actions. 9. Integrate Shopify buttons to create an enhanced sales page
Using Shopify button code you can build LeadPages that drive to a Shopify product page. This is really handy if you want to design a more robust product sales page and drive drive traffic directly to Shopify’s checkout cart.
What is LeadPages 2.0?
Recently LeadPages upgraded their tools to give you more freedom to design or customize a landing page. They introduced a drag and drop tool that allows you to select page elements and drag them into position. Previous to this you were limited in drastically changing page elements. You could customize, but within a framework. So if you have been wondering what is LeadPages plan to improve their tools, well the new version of the product has just arrived. (However, the company is constantly improving the tool beyond the major revisions.)
The new system let’s you work with a page to pretty much strip it bare and start again. To change the layout. Or simply edit small details. And all without thinking about any HTML, CSS or Javascript code. It is landing page design for non-programmers.
The new version of LeadPages also let you do A/B testing not just between versions by between versions of pages that used different initial templates.
What else? I still have question about what is LeadPages used for?
You can ask us in the pop up box below. We will answer you personally via email.