Start your web site at the beginning (we started with WordPress!)

As we build,we thought it might be fun to chronicle the process in this blog, so that we can show you what techniques we use to build web properties from the group up often without much of a budget. After all that’s what you are here for — to learn how build a web property.

So it should be noted that as I write this, it is being created in a generic WordPress installation on a server that our webmaster deployed.

We like WordPress because its a very versatile (and free) content management system that originally was designed to power blogs. However its become much more than that and is the basis for many big brand and high traffic web sites.

If you don’t have a webmaster that’s ok. Just find a web host (a company that can give you some webspace) that can install WordPress for you. One place to do that is 🙂

But many web hosts offer deployment of WordPress in the control panel of the service.

In my next post I’ll show you what we did at the beginning to get the site up and running.

-Andy Walker
28 Feb 2012


Start your web site at the beginning (we started with WordPress!)
